The Harvest
The Harvest Youth Group is on break for the summer but look in the bulletin and this page for updates on our next evening
Jr High Youth Group: The Harvest
[…] The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore ask the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest. Luke 10; 2
The harvest is the first step, it is the process to which we are called and gathered but it is also a reference to what Jesus said to his disciples before sending them on their mission in the gospels of Matthew and Luke. We all share in this mission that we must fulfill but there was still the time during which Jesus was preparing the disciples before revealing the full extent of the Paschal Mystery of His Passion and Resurrection. Likewise the Jr Youth group is still preparing younger youth and teaching them about discipleship and making sure that they are working towards understanding the coming of the Kingdom and their place within this plan.