First Communion

Registration open for Sacraments of FIRST COMMUNION and CONFIRMATION

Preparation Programs to begin January 2021

Many parents have asked the church if and when we will begin First Communion or Confirmation classes again. We are hoping to begin Sacramental preparation classes the week of January 24, 2021. The pandemic-adapted programs would include 8-12 lessons and conclude in time to celebrate the Sacraments in late May or June. The exact dates will be chosen later.

I ask all those interested to register their children for the appropriate Sacrament program by Wednesday, December 16th. The registration form should be completed (both sides please) and then submitted online to or dropped off physically at the parish office, 1489 Shea Road. If you have difficulty providing the Baptismal Certificate or $70 donation by that date, then these can be dealt with later. Just fill out the other info so we can include your child in the program.

Once we know how many families wish to go ahead with the preparation, and their preferences for at-church faith formation vs. at-home faith formation, we will create a schedule for small groups to meet either in-person or online. Any in-person gatherings would adhere to all applicable health directives of the Provincial and City governments, the public health authorities, and the Archdiocese of Ottawa-Cornwall.

When should a child receive the Sacraments?

It is customary in our Archdiocese for children to receive their First Communion when they are in grade 2. Children of this age are generally considered to have reached “the age of reason,” so they can know good from evil and should therefore be prepared for the Sacrament of Reconciliation (or Confession or Penance) as well. Anyone older than this is also welcome to prepare for these Sacraments if they have not received them before.

The age of Confirmation varies greatly in different parts of the world, but for several years in the Archdiocese of Ottawa this Sacrament has been offered to children in grade 6. We will continue this tradition, and also welcome any older children to prepare for Confirmation this year if they have not already been Confirmed in the Catholic Church.

It may be the case that your child is not baptized, or was baptized in another Christian church, yet you and the child want him or her to be initiated into the Catholic Church. There are options for this as well.

What will the program look like this year?

The staff and volunteers of Holy Spirit Parish will create a faith formation schedule for January to June of 2021 based on the needs and preferences of the families who register by December 16th. Whether we gather in person or through video conference, there will be a consistent time to meet every two weeks with the same catechist and classmates. If you, as a parent, are willing to volunteer to be present and assist an experienced catechist, please indicate this at the bottom of the registration form.

If families opt for at-church class meetings, then we would limit the size to 8 children per class. This allows for 2 adult leaders to be present at gatherings even with a 10-person indoor limit. So that the children’s overall bubble is not greatly expanded, there could be school-exclusive class times (for example, only Guardian Angels students could be in a First Eucharist class that meets 1st and 3rd Sundays at 1:00pm; only St. Stephen students could meet for Confirmation at 6:00pm on 2nd and 4th Mondays).

If families opt for at-home online meetings, it is still good to keep the number of children at about 8 in order to maximize individual attention and participation. Archdiocesan guidelines also call for at least 2 adults to be present during any online ministry with children, so we have a need for adult volunteers no matter the method of connecting.

If your child was enrolled in a Sacrament program with us before, but has not received that Sacrament yet, please contact me so we can discover if anything is needed to complete their preparation. If you wish not to have your child receive any Sacraments this year, Holy Spirit Parish will always be here to support you and your family in the future.

I look forward to helping you introduce your children to the love of Jesus and the grace of God in the Sacraments over the next year. Contact me with any questions or concerns.

Click here for Registration Form.

In the tender Mercy of Jesus,

Sean Flynn
Youth Minister
Sacramental Preparation Coordinator
613.836.8881 ext.3<>
