Credit: Tatiana Vdb via Flickr (CC BY 2.0).
“Maria* has not had an easy life. Several years ago, while pregnant with her second child, she checked into a detox center for those with drug addictions. Social services had already taken temporary custody of her first child, as she was in no condition to take care of her.
But determination and the help of Project Mater has made it possible for her to move forward. The 32-year-old is now rehabilitated and receives help from the organization, which is dedicated to supporting mothers at risk of abortion and social exclusion.
“If it weren’t for Project Mater, I could not have gotten my daughter back. They’ve helped me to have housing, food and the basics. I am really grateful to them,” she told CNA.
Maria sees the assistance not as a permanent measure, but as “a push to go forward, especially because the children’s father is in prison in another country.””
Read the full article: http://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/project-mater-an-oasis-of-help-for-pregnant-mothers-83790/