Pope Francis says Mass at the chapel of Casa Santa Marta in the Vatican, Sept. 28, 2017. Credit: L'Osservatore Romano.

Pope Francis says Mass at the chapel of Casa Santa Marta in the Vatican, Sept. 28, 2017. Credit: L’Osservatore Romano.

Pope Francis preached Monday about the idolatry of money, which causes us to ignore those in need, allowing others to go hungry and die while we turn money and worldly possessions into false gods.

Today there are people who are greedy for more money and worldly goods, people who have “so much,” but walk by “hungry children who have no medicine, who have no education, who are abandoned,” he said Oct. 23 during his homily at Mass at the chapel of the Vatican’s Casa Santa Marta.

This is “an idolatry that kills,” that makes “human sacrifices” to the god of money, the Pope said.

“This idolatry causes so many people to starve,” he stated, pointing to the example of the hundreds of thousands of Rohingya people who have been displaced from their home in Burma, also known as Myanmar, due to ethno-religious persecution.

Read the full article:  https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/an-idolatry-that-kills-pope-francis-on-greed-76687