Pope Francis in St. Peter's Square on Nov. 12, 2016. Credit: Lucia Ballester/CNA.

Pope Francis in St. Peter’s Square on Nov. 12, 2016. Credit: Lucia Ballester/CNA.

Pope Francis spoke to pilgrims about how the mercy of God is for everyone, and how through the Church, we are all called to embrace and include everyone in the Body of Christ.

“The Gospel calls us to recognize in the history of humanity the design of a great work of inclusion, which fully respects the freedom of every person, every community, every people,” the Pope said Nov. 12.

And “calls everyone to form a family of brothers and sisters, in justice, solidarity and peace, and to be part of the Church, which is the body of Christ.”

Pope Francis spoke to pilgrims in St. Peter’s Square for the final special general audience for the Jubilee Year of Mercy. The extra audiences have been held once a month in addition to the Pope’s weekly audience for the duration of the Jubilee, which officially ends Nov. 20.

Read the full article:  http://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/pope-francis-the-churchs-mercy-is-for-everyone-46009/