Pope Francis delivers the Angelus address, June 15, 2015. Credit: L'Osservatore Romano.

Pope Francis delivers the Angelus address, June 15, 2015. Credit: L’Osservatore Romano.

On Sunday Pope Francis said that God shows us, through parables, the merciful love of the Father, who rejoices over every sinful person who returns to him.

“The message of the Gospel today gives us great hope and we can summarize it thus: there is no sin into which we have fallen, from which, by the grace of God, we can not rise again; there is not an irretrievable individual, because God never ceases to want our good,” he said, “even when we sin!”

In his Sept. 11 message for the Angelus, Pope Francis talked about the three parables in the day’s Gospel, which was from Luke 15.

Christ tells three parables – the shepherd who leaves his 99 sheep to find the lost one, the woman who searches for her lost coin, and the parable of the prodigal son – in answer to the scribes and Pharisees who criticize him, saying, “this man welcomes sinners and eats with them.”

Read the full article:  http://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/pope-francis-no-sinner-is-ever-beyond-the-love-of-god-34499/