Pope Francis addresses members of the Diplomatic Corp Jan. 8, 2018. Credit: Vatican Media.
“In a speech to diplomats on Monday, Pope Francis said that the stability of the family is integral for the future, and that such stability is created when founded upon the faithful and lasting relationship of a man and woman.
“Today fleeting relationships are preferred to the stability of a definitive life project. But a house built on the sand of frail and fickle relationships cannot stand,” the Pope said Jan. 8.
“What is needed instead is a rock on which to build solid foundations. And this rock is precisely that faithful and indissoluble communion of love that joins man and woman, a communion that has an austere and simple beauty, a sacred and inviolable character and a natural role in the social order.””
Read the full article: https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/pope-francis-the-world-needs-stable-families-12849