““I Ask the Lord to Bless All the Egyptian People, the Authorities and the Christian and Muslim Faithful; May He give Peace to that Country”
Here is a ZENIT translation of the address Pope Francis gave today before praying the midday Regina Coeli in St. Peter’s Square. He spoke these words at the end of the audience with the “Azione Cattolica Italiana” on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of its foundation.
Before the Regina Coeli
Dear Brothers and Sisters, good morning!
Tragic news does not cease to arrive about the situation in Venezuela and the worsening of the clashes, with numerous dead, wounded and arrested. While I unite myself to the grief of the families of the victims, for whom I assure prayers of suffrage, I address a heartfelt appeal to the Government and to all the components of the Venezuelan society to avoid all further forms of violence; may human rights be respected and may negotiated solutions be sought to the grave humanitarian, social, political and economic crisis that is distressing the population. We entrust to the Most Holy Virgin Mary the intention of peace, of reconciliation and of democracy in that dear country. And we pray for all countries that are going through grave difficulties, I am thinking in particular these days of the Republic of Macedonia.”
Read the full article: https://zenit.org/articles/regina-coeli-address-prayers-for-venezuela-and-for-all-countries-in-difficulty/